PC to VM converter

PC to VM converter


I recently converted a Windows 7 Home OS [old Dell Laptop] to vmdk Virtual Machine (VM)…

I will describe here the important points of the procedure.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2vSRXZBlFU[/embedyt]


http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2005129 – This video discusses and demonstrates how to convert a physical machine into a virtual machine that will run on VMware Fusion, Workstation or Player.


Points to keep in mind

Set in resulting VM Network all 3 types of NAT, Host-Only, Bridge so as the VM has Connection to the internet.

RAM will be Ram of the converter PC… for me was 3.8GB so after finished Prior run VM round it to 4GB and after because the total RAM in my host PC is 32GB I increase it to 8GB exactly.

Follow the instructions in the tutorial & article above… VMWare converter server service must get started prior to starting the converting procedure. In my case, the software prompted me to START THIS SERVICE in Windows 7 Home.



















GUI Python3 vs GUI Shell Scripting

GUI Python 3 vs GUI (Linux) Shell Scripting


As a PHP/JS Web Developer I study in my free time Linux topics online or in e-books… Also started study Python 3… As I mention Python 3 and Linux Shell Scripts provide some commands for creating GUIs windows[programs with GUI instead of the traditional CLI…  text mode programs]… In this post I focus on GUIs in Python 3 vs Shell Scripting GUIs…

Shell Scripting at first exist on Unix/Linux/MacOS OSs… (mainly Linux) but Python can installed in any OS including Windows 10….

In this article I use Linux Ubuntu Studio 18.10 for the demonstrations – I like using Ubuntu Studio rather Ubuntu or Fedora… because Ubuntu Studio come from Canonical too, and has preinstalled many free programs for Graphic Design, Video/Audio Edit, Photography, Publishing Ebooks, etc Tools… that’s I feel Not needed change OS to do these other essential Tasks for my work like edit an image etc… !!!



Coming Soon !!!








Linux Cron Backup Script – run once every month via cron

  Linux Cron Backup Script

I set cron job with crontab -e for running 20:20 8th everyMonth any weekDay

Script appears below as backup-cron.sh,… feel free to COPY to your Linux VM for experimentation…

[root@server1 backup-cron]# crontab -l

20 20 8 * * /root/backup-cron.sh

[root@server1 backup-cron]# cd
[root@server1 ~]# cat backup-cron.sh

# script: /root/backup-cron.sh
# script for backup auto with cron the Directory /etc/ to /root/backup-cron/etc-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.bz2 type
# of Archives once a month the 8th of each month 20:00

# Get Current date in format YYYY-MM-DD

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`;

# directory to backup

# save backups in the name /root/backup-cron/etc-DATE.tar.bz2



BACKUP_FILE="etc-"$DATE$EXT; # not spaced


# Command to execute

tar jcvf $FULL_BACKUP_URI $BACKUP_THIS_DIR;  # all spaced with one space

# check if success or failure backup done
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Success"; mail -s "Success Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 0;
echo "Failure"; mail -s "Failed Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 1;


[root@server1 ~]#

any Question email me here :