Starting with Raspberry Pi 3 B+ – Read this book first

Starting with Raspberry Pi 3 B+


Read this book first even yet bought Raspberry Pi … this guides you what’s available and what buy… for yours needs… eg if you buy kit pack must include pi charger but plain box Pi only Raspberry Pi 3 B+ board includes and even Not include SD Micro card… so you have also buy the latter too.

Also includes many things to do with your new Raspberry Pi … This book refers for Raspberry Pi 3 B (2016)… but as of date of writing the newest model is 3 B+ (2018) … but the differences between the two is minimal – do your search and you will proof this – so is ok to use this book.

The book is…

Raspberry Pi For Dummies 3rd Edition by Sean McManus (Author), Mike Cook (Author)

Best Python Textbook for Beginners

Best Python Textbook for Beginners – for Programming-I course

Here i present the Best Python textbook in my opinion i used to start with Python…


As a beginner in a programming language you need a textbook that actually is being used in Universities… This must have academic text and by this i mean text chapters with objectives and questions like T/F and Multiple choice, Short Answer Questions and also algorithmic exercises and actual programming exercises/projects for full practising the material.

Also may have solutions to easy Questions, summary in chapter’s end an index or and glossary and may also have list of reserved words etc language construct notes…

This is the normality of a University textbook and this i used and i like it very well… the only advise in addition is … hand write nothing… but instead just solve-practise-develop by typing in Python or your target language as much as you can… also type your notes and save them… and in some times you can print this notes for learning offline…

Well the textbook is…

Starting Out with Python, Global 4/e Edition Paperback – April 25, 2018 – by Tony Gaddis (author)