Linux Cron Backup Script – run once every month via cron

  Linux Cron Backup Script

I set cron job with crontab -e for running 20:20 8th everyMonth any weekDay

Script appears below as,… feel free to COPY to your Linux VM for experimentation…

[root@server1 backup-cron]# crontab -l

20 20 8 * * /root/

[root@server1 backup-cron]# cd
[root@server1 ~]# cat

# script: /root/
# script for backup auto with cron the Directory /etc/ to /root/backup-cron/etc-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.bz2 type
# of Archives once a month the 8th of each month 20:00

# Get Current date in format YYYY-MM-DD

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`;

# directory to backup

# save backups in the name /root/backup-cron/etc-DATE.tar.bz2



BACKUP_FILE="etc-"$DATE$EXT; # not spaced


# Command to execute

tar jcvf $FULL_BACKUP_URI $BACKUP_THIS_DIR;  # all spaced with one space

# check if success or failure backup done
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Success"; mail -s "Success Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 0;
echo "Failure"; mail -s "Failed Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 1;


[root@server1 ~]#

any Question email me here : 


Linux Distros for < ... >

Linux Distros for < … >



Steam OS –


Photography / Video Production / Graphic Designer

Ubuntu Studio –


Programming / Soft Development

Semi Code (out of date) [Preinstalled Apps and Soft IDEs]


Workstation User / Programmer / Coder

Fedora or Ubuntu or Linux Mint or Linux Arch or Antegros


Ethical Hacking & Penetration

Kali Linux or Parrot Linux

// –

Kali Linux Cheat Sheet


Consumer Web Server

CentOS 7 or Ubuntu Server or Debian – – –


Enterprise Server

RHEL 7 –

or Ubuntu Server –


Linux with Windows like Desktop

Linux Mint –


Linux with MacOS like Desktop

Elementary OS –


Linux Foundation Exams LFCS , LFCE –

are available for

CentOS 7 Server or Ubuntu Server
– –


It doesn’t matter what kind of user you are, there exists a perfect Linux distro for you.

1. Best Linux Distro for Desktops and Powerful Laptops – Linux Mint, known to provide a near-to-perfect Linux desktop experience.

2. Best Linux Distro for Regular Laptop – Ubuntu MATE. Ubuntu comes with nine different flavours that have their own programs, features, and desktop environments.

3. Best Linux Distro for Older and Slow Hardware – Puppy Linux. It is ideal for the conditions where a compact distro due to older hardware and low computing resources.

4. Most Customizable Linux Distro – Arch Linux. It is a minimalistic Linux distro that allows your to start learning Linux from scratch. But, it is not recommended for the beginners as thereís a lot of command line work and manual configuration.

5. Most Beautiful Linux Distro – elementaryOS. The maker of this completely community-based OS are an expert in design and it is one of the prettiest Linux distributions you will come across.

6. Best Best Privacy-focused Linux Distro – Tails. It is a live operating system that you can boot on any computer from a USB stick, SD card, or DVD and used by the likes of Edward Snowden.

7. Best Linux for Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing – Kali Linux. It is a special purpose Linux distro for pen testing and network security testing. With more than 600 tools, Kali Linux is designed to be used in a single, root user scenario due to security purposes.

8. Best Linux Distro For Servers – Debian. One of the longest running Linux distros, Debian, has served as a framework for many other distros like Mint and Ubuntu.

9. Best Linux Distro For IoT – Snappy Ubuntu Core. Focussing on Internet of Things application, Canonical released a Snappy version of Ubuntu Core OS for IoT.

10. Best Linux Distro For Video Editing and Multimedia Production – Ubuntu Studio. It fills an empty spot of a multimedia production-focused Linux distro. It comes with tools for recording, mixing, mastering, live processing, or even coding.

11. Best Linux Distro For Gaming – SteamOS. Honestly, there isn’t a Linux distro that is perfect for playing all kinds of game. With each passing day, more and more games are being officially released on Linux.


Free Tools for Mac users – most are for Windows/Linux as well

File Vault, Time Machine & Cloud Storage etc cool Mac tasks that not cost you a dime
Free Tools for Mac users – most are for Windows/Linux as well


To “cut” a file on the Mac, you copy it first, and then use Command + Option + V to move it. If you right-click and press the Option key, “Paste” changes to “Cut” in the menu.


This article aimed for Mac users or developers using a Mac, and is about the free tools you can use for development, or the basic Mac computer tasks make you safer or more productive user/developer.
Mac tricks makes you a better User.

File Vault – encrypt your drive

With File Vault (read more below) enabled you can encrypt your Mac SSD or HDD Drive so every time you switch on your Mac you insert a pass phrase to use it. Even your Disk drive removed from your Mac and used elsewhere your data are still Not accessible without the secret pass phrase. Pass phrase can be your Apple ID password in new Macs. You can disable/re-enable it if you like or if you do Not want it any more.


As of Anti-virus I use the Free AVG for Mac Anti-Virus [note: Viruses are very rare on Macs].

Time Machine & Cloud Storage – two(2) different backup methods, required both 

Time Machine backups – if the File Vault is enabled – require pass phrase so in other words backup is encrypted and protected. Time Machine backup – you can restore even OS, Apps and Data with it – is done by me every 2-3 months since I have and Windows PCs and use Mac 2-4 times a week only. During backup I exclude my Parallels Virtual Machines since do not use a lot and backup separately every year Ubuntu OS, Chrome OS & Windows Vista OS.

I also use for instant backup Cloud Storage from many cloud storage providers (all free plans 5GB-15GB) namely iCloud Drive(Apple), Google Drive, One Drive(Microsoft), Dropbox Drive. If for example I create a mock-up, doc, ppt, xls or other file, I save it to cloud, that way is on my machine and cloud and can also access from other devices including mobile (connected to the cloud/internet). So I feel secure and impossible to loose data and any file… All for free.

Write, Keynote, Numbers, Apple Mail

What I also like about (new) Macs is that come pre-installed with Write, Keynote, Numbers Apps and also Apple Mail.

Mac OS Server App

I also installed Mac OS Server App (by Apple that cost below 20$ – the only expense as of software) that make the Mac a server[web server, mail server, … Etc] and I am experimenting with it…

Web/Mobile Developer/Designer Applications – mostly free and open source

As an web/mobile developer/designer I build mobile apps and responsive sites so, I installed  –  free mostly given, tools by Mobile OS mfg like Google, Apple & MicroSoft  –  SDKs for Android and iOS, Xcode, Eclipse, JDeveloper, Android Studio, Intel XDK IDE, Brackets web code editor, NetBeans, Cordova CLI tools, NodeJs, all freeware. Basically I find that I need nothing else for my work except Adobe Fireworks or PhotoShop (paid both) but you can install the freeware GIMPShop that just do the same.
Note: all the tools in this paragraph exist also for Windows(not Xcode/iOS-SDK) and some for Linux.
Addition: I recently installed VMWare Fusion Pro 8 and run Windows 10 Pro VM and added Visual Studio 2015 Community IDE for Windows Development on the Mac.


With these tools you can become an advanced & safer user/developer at almost no cost.



Reference Links

Also some cool Web Based Apps

These are what I use. There are many other equivalents, too.