If you can not access NAS try this

If you can not access NAS try this:

go in Windows 10 search or Control Panel search and type “windows features”

choose “Turn Windows Features on or off”

Scroll list of features down and Ensure the checkboxes in green rectagle are all checked…

After a Restart [Windows will prompt to do so] your NAS should be accessed from Windows Explorer / File Explorer – in Network folder.

The best way to search for a Laptop or Desktop Computer

The best way to search for a Laptop or Desktop Computer medium to high priced for a purpose eg Software & Web Development or another item is just to create something for this in a related channel, like a YouTube video, blog article, Presentation, Excel Info/List, an Infographics, or other…

Try to Create something RELEVANT
YouTube video mp4 or/and // eg “best laptops for software development in every budget”
Presentation Pptx or/and
Excel sheet/list xlsx or/and
Blog articles WordPress or/and
?…or another item, just create something in relation to this item, its category, or its usage…

This is also the case in case you read a textbook/book especially in Programming
After finishing reading a chapter or section, practice examples, do exercises in code by typing scripts, and run code in IDE, Emulator, Browser, etc
In addition, you will get embedded in your head, more what you have read by implementing an App with related programming as the chapter you read or write a guide how-to in programming related in your blog, …

I learn this by creating a YouTube video & Blog post & Presentation [these] for my blog, about buying a laptop for specific needs [particularly Software Development] in different budgets, I learned a lot about the laptops market – even the laptop market local or online is huge… like many hidden secret models of laptops – were in the market but un-noticed… to me!!!

Linux Cron Backup Script – run once every month via cron

  Linux Cron Backup Script

I set cron job with crontab -e for running 20:20 8th everyMonth any weekDay

Script appears below as backup-cron.sh,… feel free to COPY to your Linux VM for experimentation…

[root@server1 backup-cron]# crontab -l

20 20 8 * * /root/backup-cron.sh

[root@server1 backup-cron]# cd
[root@server1 ~]# cat backup-cron.sh

# script: /root/backup-cron.sh
# script for backup auto with cron the Directory /etc/ to /root/backup-cron/etc-YYYY-MM-DD.tar.bz2 type
# of Archives once a month the 8th of each month 20:00

# Get Current date in format YYYY-MM-DD

DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`;

# directory to backup

# save backups in the name /root/backup-cron/etc-DATE.tar.bz2



BACKUP_FILE="etc-"$DATE$EXT; # not spaced


# Command to execute

tar jcvf $FULL_BACKUP_URI $BACKUP_THIS_DIR;  # all spaced with one space

# check if success or failure backup done
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Success"; mail -s "Success Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 0;
echo "Failure"; mail -s "Failed Backup on "$DATE root@localhost; exit 1;


[root@server1 ~]#

any Question email me here :